Saturday, November 1, 2008

November is prematurity awareness month.

That's right - all month! One in EIGHT children (12-13%) of children are born prematurely each year. In Kansas (and those of you on the Missouri side...) those stats hold true. For every seven babies born full-term, one is born before 37 completed weeks gestation. Not only do these children face higher levels of infant mortality but the ones who do make it, many face life-long health concerns or disabilities.

Please join me in signing the Prematurity Petition to help to alert others of this national crsis. Also, please check out and pass on the March of Dimes' prematurity site.

If your family has been touched by prematurity, I encourage you to tell at least one person about it this month. Also - remember that The Legends is promoting the March of Dimes and Prematurity Awareness Month in November. Please join us November 6th at Books-a-Million from 10 a.m. to noon if you are available!

Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween.


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