Friday, December 12, 2008

The early bird gets...


Farmers Insurance is donating $25 to March for Babies for everyone who registers on-line for March for Babies before December 31st!

You can check out the details here. All you have to do is register on-line, tell all of your friends and family and team members to register on-line, tell everyone you know to register on-line.... and March of Dimes gets gets a $25 donation from Farmers for everyone who registers on-line!!

Get the word out, better hurry though - it ends December 31st!

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Cold, flu, and RSV season.

If your family is like mine, winter is a hard time of year for your baby... not only is it too cold to play outside or go for walks in the neighborhood but the germs are raging! The March of Dimes website provies a lot of good information about conception, healthy pregnancy and routine newborn care as well as caring for a sick infant. Having a sick child is stressful enough... but when your child has an illness on top of an underlying medical problem like chronic lung disease it can be very scary and sometimes special precautions are needed.

From the March of Dimes website, you can help protect your baby from RSV by:
*Keeping him away from people who are sneezing or coughing
*Making sure everyone who touches the baby has clean hands *Keeping your baby away from crowds of people
*Not allowing anyone to smoke near your baby

The RSV Protection website also provides lots of good information.

I hope you are all staying healthy and manaing to keep warm!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Prematurity Awareness Day

November 12 was Prematurity Awareness Day! This is the day the March of Dimes released the report card on prematurity.... the nation scored a "D" in regards to the national rate of premature birth. Kansas scored an unexceptable D and scored an embarassing F.

We heard from Dr. Howard Kilbride from Children's MercyDr. John Yeast from St. Luke's Hospital Brian Williams, dad of cutie-pie Savanna Williams, shared his experience about the premature birth of his beautiful daughter, Savanna and how the March of Dimes and the NICU family support program aided them along the way.

As Brian was speaking, Savanna sat with her mom, Nicci, and worked the crowd... it was so inspiring to hear about Savanna's birth circumstances, her struggles - then to see this cutie walking around and being generally adorable. Lisa Butterfield from KU med spoke last then Dr. Howard Kilbride fielded questions. There were also several other mother and child health resources there.

It was a great day - and brought light to an important local and national health problem. Please join the March of Dimes in signing the prematurity petition and telling our government that we care about babies born too soon!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

November is prematurity awareness month.

That's right - all month! One in EIGHT children (12-13%) of children are born prematurely each year. In Kansas (and those of you on the Missouri side...) those stats hold true. For every seven babies born full-term, one is born before 37 completed weeks gestation. Not only do these children face higher levels of infant mortality but the ones who do make it, many face life-long health concerns or disabilities.

Please join me in signing the Prematurity Petition to help to alert others of this national crsis. Also, please check out and pass on the March of Dimes' prematurity site.

If your family has been touched by prematurity, I encourage you to tell at least one person about it this month. Also - remember that The Legends is promoting the March of Dimes and Prematurity Awareness Month in November. Please join us November 6th at Books-a-Million from 10 a.m. to noon if you are available!

Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Click to vote!!

The Squidoo website is giving away $2 for everyone who goes on their site and votes for their charity. March of Dimes is listed and could use your help! Please take a quick second to click on the site and "vote" for March of Dimes. Even if they don't "win" by getting the most votes - they still get money for every single vote registered!


Thursday, September 25, 2008


Check out what one of the featured videos is on YouTube today!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Check out my new shoes!

Aren't they cute?! Not only are they adorable, they're suuuuper comfortable.
The best part? Famous Footwear will donate $5 from each sale to the March of Dimes. They even have the March of Dimes logo on the back. And I love pink!


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tax free!

Don't forget about the tax free weekend this weekend! I know a lot of us have kids entering school.... this weekend from 12:01 a.m. Friday morning until 11:59 p.m. Sunday night Missouri is honoring a "tax free holiday" on back to school supplies. This includes clothing, school supplies and computers. Be sure to check the website for participating cities and counties.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Calling all parents – voice your support for the health of babies!

Beginning this month, Kansas health officials will screen the blood of every Kansas newborn for 29 treatable disorders. Previously, Kansas screened for just four disorders, trailing nearly every state in the nation.

The March of Dimes Advocacy Network played a pivotal role in securing passage of the Newborn Screening Act in Kansas, proving the power of an individual’s voice and personal story.

What does the March of Dimes Advocacy Network do?
The Advocacy Network draws attention to important issues related to maternal and child health. This grassroots advocacy educates elected officials and lets them know how their constituents feel about certain issues.

How does it work?
During each legislative session (January through May), the March of Dimes distributes information about key legislative issues to Advocacy Network members. Typically distributed via e-mail, this information includes appropriate legislator contact information (e-mail, mail and phone), sample e-mails, letters and talking points to make communication as quick and easy as possible. Members use this information to deliver customized messages to their own Representatives and Senators.

How can I get involved?
To join the March of Dimes Advocacy Network, e-mail Diane Daldrup, State Director of Program Services, at