Friday, December 12, 2008

The early bird gets...


Farmers Insurance is donating $25 to March for Babies for everyone who registers on-line for March for Babies before December 31st!

You can check out the details here. All you have to do is register on-line, tell all of your friends and family and team members to register on-line, tell everyone you know to register on-line.... and March of Dimes gets gets a $25 donation from Farmers for everyone who registers on-line!!

Get the word out, better hurry though - it ends December 31st!

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Cold, flu, and RSV season.

If your family is like mine, winter is a hard time of year for your baby... not only is it too cold to play outside or go for walks in the neighborhood but the germs are raging! The March of Dimes website provies a lot of good information about conception, healthy pregnancy and routine newborn care as well as caring for a sick infant. Having a sick child is stressful enough... but when your child has an illness on top of an underlying medical problem like chronic lung disease it can be very scary and sometimes special precautions are needed.

From the March of Dimes website, you can help protect your baby from RSV by:
*Keeping him away from people who are sneezing or coughing
*Making sure everyone who touches the baby has clean hands *Keeping your baby away from crowds of people
*Not allowing anyone to smoke near your baby

The RSV Protection website also provides lots of good information.

I hope you are all staying healthy and manaing to keep warm!