If you are a Pampers user, I suggest you collect the points and use them to help earn money for March of Dimes!
In case you are unfamiliar with this process, here are the directions. Inside of the diaper packages you can find a sticker that includes a code. They are also found inside the wipes containers (and I assume the wipes refill packs). After collecting the codes, go to Pampers.com and enter the codes on their website. Then if you go to the "Browse Catalog" button, you will see that you can donate these points to March of Dimes!! For every 10 points, Pampers will donate $0.10 to March of Dimes (up to $20,000 total). Wouldn't you LOVE to help March of Dimes earn an extra $20,000?? This is so simple.
Ask your friends, your neighbors, your NICU. I have contacted our NICU nurses to ask them to pass along the word. I know our NICU used Pampers Preemie diapers with my son, and I collected nearly 400 points while were in the hospital. Just think if we all added those points together. Maybe you could call your NICU and ask if they collect the points instead of throwing them out--don't be afraid to tell them why!
Thank you Pampers for partnering with March of Dimes. Tell everyone you know to collect those points to help reach this impressive total of $20,000!