Thursday, March 17, 2011
2011 Ambassador Family
The Lies Family, Robert, Jessica, Bret, Gavin, & Abigail
Jessica and Robert Lies know firsthand the complications premature birth can create. While pregnant with her firstborn, Jessica was having a normal pregnancy. Unfortunately, she developed a severe infection in her womb. Bret had to be delivered for both of their safety 13 weeks too soon, weighing just 2 lb 8 oz.
Bret had a long, challenging recovery in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where he received surfactant therapy, a treatment developed by a March of Dimes grantee, which helped him breathe on his own.
Bret is now six-years-old, loves Barney, trucks, and horseback therapy. Jessica has also had the joy of delivering Bret's siblings, Gavin and Abigail.
Bret’s grandmother, Lynn, and his parents are so grateful for your support of the March of Dimes.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Imagine.....your baby's birth weight being less than a bag of sugar or a 2 pound free weight or a 32 oz soft drink
Imagine…your granddaughter's tongue the same size as a tic-tac
Imagine...not hearing your child cry until he was a month old
Imagine…trying desperately to stay pregnant for as long as you can, even at risk to your own health
Imagine…giving birth only to be told that your baby has a 40% chance of survival and if she does survive, she will be blind, mentally and physically handicapped and never walk
Imagine…the smile on your face and the tears in your eyes when one year later, that same child RUNS past that same doctor
Imagine...having a hospital feel like home and your house feeling like a place you occasionally visit to sleep
Imagine…not seeing your daughter’s face until she was four weeks old because she was ventilated
Imagine…being able to fit your wedding ring on your child’s arm
Imagine…leaving the hospital empty handed
Imagine…planning your newborn’s funeral
Imagine…having the hospital call a week after the baby’s birth and asking if you’re having fun with your new baby…the new baby that you’ve never even held because he’s in the NICU struggling for life
Imagine…boxing up all of your baby things because it’s too painful to look at them in the nursery
Imagine…signing papers to allow for surgery on a baby who weighs less than a pound and a half
Imagine…the pain of parents all around you losing their babies, grief and guilt mixed with relief that it’s not you
Imagine…holding your baby when she’s two weeks old and realizing that the blanket she’s wrapped in weighs more than she does.
Imagine…feeling the pain of seeing pregnant women
Imagine…having to choose to stop breastfeeding the child you’ve already taken home in favor of his twin sister who is still in the NICU
Imagine…the fear of ever having another child
Imagine......Being afraid of, and afraid for, your child.
Imagine......Not even knowing who's lips, eyes, nose, or chin your child has because you can't see their face for all the tapes, tubes, and eye masks.
Imagine....Your husband knowing your nurses and the NICU routine better than you because he's been there for five days already before you ever even get to see your son.
Imagine...the looks on the faces of your friends and family when you try to talk about the future
Imagine...Being ecstatic when your baby hits 4 pounds, or 3, or 2...
Imagine…knowing your baby is born but the only sound you hear is the door closing as they take her away
Imagine... getting condolences instead of congratulations when your child is born.
Imagine... Not getting to hold your child until he/she is nearly a month old.
Imagine... hearing comment after comment on all the things people didn't think your baby would ever do.
Imagine... that some of the most peaceful times of your day are when you are sitting attached to a breast pump!
Imagine... how quickly the rough past fades away when your child first smiles at you.
Imagine…trying to produce breast milk that your baby desperately needs even though your body isn’t prepared to produce it
Imagine…knowing your baby literally inside and out because of x-rays, heart monitors, brain scans and blood tests
Imagine…dressing your baby for the first time in doll clothes
Imagine…knowing that no matter what happens, your life will never be the same
Imagine....being able to turn this life altering, tragic journey into something that can help many, many other people!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Anyone use Pampers?
Thank you Pampers for partnering with March of Dimes. Tell everyone you know to collect those points to help reach this impressive total of $20,000!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Do you need t-shirts for your team?
EA Graphics if the official t-shirt supplier for March of Dimes. If you are looking to purchase t-shirts for your team, check them out. These t-shirts are fairly inexpensive, and they have a lot of options. This year they are offering an extended line of sweatshirts, hats, bags, and other items. Check it out! The family team shirts are offered in purple, charcoal, and orchid. EA Graphics also offers an option to make a customized shirt. You can purchase the family team shirt, and have the company add personalization to the back of the shirt. There are so many varieties with this company!
Let me know if you have any questions about ordering & I can try to help. I know last year our team ordered these t-shirts, and then ironed on our team name on the back of the shirt.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Adding a fundraising badge to your email
There have been some people having trouble adding the badge to their email signature. Here are the directions to follow. Then, with every email you send out, there will be an opportunity for people to help you reach your goal.
Adding Your Fundraising Badge in Outlook 2007
- Create a new “TEXT DOCUMENT” on your desktop (right click on the desktop and go to NEW - TEXT DOCUMENT)
- Paste the code into the text document that you created, save the file as MFB2010.htm (erase .txt from the file name and replace with .htm)
- In Outlook, go to Tools > Options and the Mail Format tab.
- Click the Signatures button.
- Click the New button.
- Name your signature ‘MFB2010’
- Click OK
- Close Outlook
- Locate your signature folder by navigating to these folders or go to Start, Run and paste one of the following: for Vista: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Signatures, for XP: %userprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Signatures
- There will be three files in that folder called ‘MFB2010’ (in three formats: .htm, .txt and .rtf). If you cannot see the file extensions, go to Tools / Folder Options / View and deselect ‘Hide extensions for known file types’, or right-click on the file and select ‘Properties’, that will display the file type in a new window.
- Drag the .htm file you created into the folder. Replace the .htm file in that folder with the file you created. Make sure that they are named the same.
- Restart Outlook 2007.
Leave us a comment and let us know if you have added a badge to your signature. You can also tell us if you still have problems--we'd love to help you out!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Opening Bell
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Save the dates!
Saturday, May 1
Woohoo - who's excited for this year's march??!!! This is my favorite time of year as we get ready for this awesome event (okay - could also be that SPRING is approaching which will mean burning some energy in the backyard and less illness!!). We've got a great route this year for those of you pushing strollers and lots of fun entertainment. I always say that if this wasn't a March of Dimes fundraiser... I'd STILL want to come bring my kids, we always have a blast! I hope you and your family is able to come!
You can sign up at
Please e-mail me at or call me at 913-387-3605 with any questions.
Kara McBurney